Merry Christmas to all!
Author Archives: Marylynn
C.M Hovey
Mike Whitman’s blooming now
New: Greens Blue camellias
Professor Charles Sargent’s blooming now
Just in time for the holiday season and beginning to bloom now. It doesn’t seem like Christmas without having these beautiful, solid red, Professor Sargent’s blooming in your yard. I grew up having these in our yard as a child and remember always seeing them bloom during Christmas. Available in 3 gallon sizes.
Camellias are now starting to bloom and we have new varieties!
One of the new camellias just in this year is called, “Debutante“. This is an absolutely beautiful looking flower! It’s a Japonica camellia species, Double Formal, light pink in color, and is available in @ 4 gallon size pots. This stunner is one of the older, and hardy varieties of camellias. It will do fine in cold weather. I’ll be continuing to post new camellia photos here so be sure you check back with us regularly to see more photos.
Bobby Fain camellias blooming now…
Spring is here
Spring is here, and it’s time to spray! Now’s a great time to spray your camellias to help prevent pests like Spider Mites from attacking and causing havoc among your lovely camellias. I use a product called, ‘All Season’ oil, which I add about 3 or 4 Tablespoons of it to a gallon size, water filled jug ( I use an empty milk jug), shake it well, then pour into a quart size plastic sprayer, and you are ready to spray.
You’ll want to saturate the stems and leaves on your camellias, really hosing them down well, including underneath the leaves, and all over your camellias, from top to bottom. Underneath the leaves is usually where these critters love to hide and wreck havoc silently. If you look closely you can see the really tiny looking minuet green spiders hiding under the leaves. I recommend spraying very heavily and liberally at least 3 times a year, if at all possible. That way you can keep them at bay, so to speak.
Re-apply the same treatment again on your camellias in two weeks. You can’t use too much of it, as it’s an oil, not a pesticide, and it works by smothering the mites, and will wash off with rain, or water. Good luck, and enjoy looking at (and after! 🙂 ) your lovely, awe-inspiring, camellias.
Many camellias are now blooming!
Bobby Fain camellia
Bobby Fain camellia
Bobby Fain camellia
Lemon Glow camellia
Jacks camellia
- Jacks camellia
- April Dawn camellia
Currently Available
We have many camellias available now. All are 3 gallon sizes;
1). ‘Alolphe Audesson variegated’- Dark red /white color, Semi-Double.
2). ‘Jacks’- Medium Pink color, Double Formal. (Blooming now!)
3). ‘Giganteas’-Red/white marbled color. Anemone.
4). ‘Pearl Mazwell’- Pink color. Double Formal.
5). ‘Grape Soda’- Lavender/red color. Single shape (hurry, limited supply).
6). ‘Harriet Bisbee’- White. Double formal.
7). ‘Lemon Glow’- Yellow. Double Formal. (Blooming very soon!)
8). ‘Grand Slam’- Deep red. Semi Double. (Blooming soon!)
9). ‘Pink Perfection’- Light pink. Double Formal. (Blooming very soon!)
10). ‘Fashionata’- Apricot pink (large flower shape) Semi-Double.
11). ‘Satsuma’- White, Formal.
12). ‘Mike Whitman’- Red to light red in color, Double Formal. (Blooming now!)
13). ‘Mike Whitman Variegated’- Red/white peppermint color, and light red (all on one plant. Really cool!), Double Formal. (Blooming now!)
14). ‘Large Tea Leaf’ (Sinensis camellia species)- Make your own green tea out of the leafs! Beautiful, small, yellow/white flowers.
15). ‘Red Tea Leaf’ (Sinensis camellia species)- Make your own green tea out of the leafs! Very small, pink flowers.
16). ‘Small Tea Leaf’ (Sinensis camellia species)- Make your own green tea out of the leafs! Beautiful, small, yellow/white flowers.
17). ‘April Dawn’- Red and white. Double Formal. (Blooming now!)
18). ‘Otome’- Light pink, Formal. (Blooming complete)
19). ‘Rosehill Red’- Bright red. Semi-Double. (Blooming soon.)
20). ‘In the Pink’- Soft Pink. Double Formal. (Blooming soon.)
21). ‘Paulette Goddard’ – Dark Red. Peony. ( Blooming soon.)
22). ‘Professor Charles Sargent’- Rich Red. Anemone. (Blooming now!)
23). ‘Pope Pius IX’ – Cherry Red. Double Formal. (Blooming soon.)
24). ‘C.M. Hovey’- Crimson Red. Double Formal. (Blooming soon.)
25). ‘Lady Vansittart’ -Red/Pink/White. Semi-Double. (Blooming soon.)
26). ‘Bobby Fain Variegated’- Dark red/white marbled- Semi-double. (Blooming now!)
27). ‘Miss Biloxi’- White- Semi-Double. (Blooming soon)
28). ‘Christmas Beauty’- Bright Red. Semi-Double. (Blooming now!)
29). ‘Chisato-No-Aki’- White. Formal. (Blooming complete.)
30). ‘Guest Star’ – Pink. Formal. (Blooming soon.)
31). ‘Frost Princess’- Light Pink. Semi-Double. (Blooming complete)
Mike Whitman camellia- (blooming now)!